Gardeners are now in-game! These little bushes will take care of and “water” your plants for you, giving huge farming boosts!

On the development side, we’ve added a new concept artist to help with the art, so future posts should have some shiny concepts to look at!

A large chunk of the last month has also been updating the game to the new version of Unity. I’ve added a bunch of optimizations with the new ecs system and burst compiler, along with a switch to their new lightweight renderer. This should help performance for most people, and things will only get faster in the future. This does mean that there may be some visual bugs that cropped up in the port, be sure to send emails to support if you see anything.

VR support is being postponed while we wait for some more unity performance features and SteamVR input interfaces to become more stable.

As always, join the discussion in Discord, and be sure to wishlist and/or follow the game on Steam!